The Tiny house Blog

How to Select the Most Appropriate Indoor Water Feature for Your Home

Updated on:
October 2, 2023
tiny house water feature

Photo by Blanche Peulot on Unsplash

An indoor water feature serves more than just aesthetic purposes. It does more – like giving you a calm vibe, improving the air in your home, and helping you feel less stressed. If you're thinking of getting one, like a small tabletop fountain or a larger wall-mounted or floor-standing one, there are things you should think about first.

In this blog post, we're here to help you determine what indoor water feature suits your space and what suits your style.

The Benefits of Indoor Water Features

Having indoor water features offers numerous advantages that can enhance your living space:

  • Aesthetic Appeal - Indoor water features look beautiful and add an elegant touch to any room. They seamlessly blend with your existing decor, becoming a focal point that draws attention.
  • Serenity - The gentle sounds of indoor water features create a peaceful ambiance, helping you unwind by masking unwanted noises and promoting harmony in your surroundings.
  • Wellness - These features improve your well-being by enhancing air quality through humidity and negative ion emission. The calming effects can improve sleep by reducing blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Feng Shui Benefits - According to feng shui principles, indoor water features attract positive energy and wealth while stimulating the water element in your space. This, in turn, is linked to creativity, communication, and emotional well-being.
  • Eco-Friendly - Indoor water features promote sustainability by recycling water and utilizing low-voltage pumps, leading to water and energy conservation. Additionally, they create a natural cooling effect, minimizing your carbon footprint.

The Types of Indoor Water Features

When deciding where to put your indoor water feature, consider the size of your room, the style of your decor, and the purpose of the feature. To help you decide, here are some types of indoor water features:

Tabletop Fountains

These portable water features are small enough to fit on flat surfaces like desks, shelves, or nightstands. They add a touch of nature and peace to your personal space. They are simple to set up because they typically come with a pump, cord, and plug.

Wall-Mounted Fountains

Wall-mounted fountains hang on walls, resembling paintings or mirrors. They save floor space and add visual depth to your room. Easy to mount and maintain, they often come with brackets, screws, and a hose.

Floor-Standing Fountains

These are larger, impressive water features that stand on the floor like sculptures or pillars. They make a bold statement and fill up empty spaces in a room. Easily movable and customizable, they usually include features like casters, lights, and remote controls.

Waterfall Fountains

These fountains create a relaxing and soothing ambiance by mimicking a waterfall's natural flow and sound. They're adjustable and easy to maintain, typically equipped with a valve, filter, and splash guard.

tiny house indoor water feature
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

The Size and Placement of Indoor Water Features

To find the right spot and size for your indoor water feature, consider your room size, decor, and what you want. Here are some factors to think of:


Ensure your water feature is proportionate to your room. It might go unnoticed in a large room if it's too small. Conversely, if it's too large, it can overpower a smaller room. Measure your chosen space and opt for a feature about one-third to one-half of that size.


Place your water feature thoughtfully. Keep it close to an electric outlet and away from direct sunlight, heat sources, drafts, playful pets, curious children, and bulky furniture. Avoid obstructing natural light and airflow by not placing it in front of windows or doors.

The Maintenance and Care of Indoor Water Features

Taking good care of your indoor water feature is crucial to maintain its cleanliness, safety, and efficiency. Here's how you can effectively care for and maintain it:

Regular Cleaning

Cleaning your water feature frequently is vital to prevent dirt and residue buildup. Change the water every few weeks, clean the surface, and remove any algae or stains using a damp cloth. For tougher spots, a mild soap or vinegar mixture can be used.

Routine Maintenance

Regularly inspect your water feature to catch any problems early. Check the pump, cord, hose, and lights for any signs of damage. Using a water conditioner can be beneficial in preventing algae growth and mineral buildup. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

Proper Handling

Protect your water feature from extreme temperatures, high humidity, and dust. Refrain from adding chemicals, oils, or scents to the water, as they can damage the pump. Ensure the water level remains above the pump to prevent overheating and excessive noise.

tiny house indoor water feature
Photo by H H

The Cost and Budget of Indoor Water Features

Considering the cost of your indoor water feature, what you want matters. Size, material, design, and quality significantly affect the price. Here’s a breakdown of some price ranges for various types of indoor water features:

Tabletop fountains

$20 - $200

Tabletop fountains are usually the most affordable indoor water features, as they are small and simple.

Wall-mounted fountains

$200 - $2,000

Wall-mounted fountains are usually the most expensive indoor water features, as they are large and complex.

Floor-standing fountains

$100 - $1,000

Falling between tabletop and wall-mounted fountains in terms of pricing, these fountains are of medium size and moderate cost.


An indoor water feature in your home can significantly enhance your living space. It brings aesthetic appeal and a sense of calmness, better health, and positive energy according to feng shui principles. However, making the best choice for your space and style necessitates careful consideration. 

It's not just a matter of picking something that looks nice; it's also a matter of finding the right fit. You must think about the type of water feature that speaks to you and the size that fits your space without being too large. Also, the best location for it to add to the ambiance, as well as how to maintain and care for it.

The budget comes into play, too. You must evaluate the cost and ensure it aligns with your budget. It's about making a choice that enhances your living space and makes financial sense for you. We trust that this blog post has given useful and practical insights to guide you in choosing the best indoor water feature for your living space. Happy decorating!

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