The Tiny house Blog

Are You Ready to Downsize to a Tiny Home? Here's 5 Things to Keep in Mind

Updated on:
June 9, 2023
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Downsizing to a small home often involves decluttering. While some people welcome this, others find it intimidating. Most would agree, though, that it is always difficult to take the first step.

It’s always worth it to take the time to downsize and declutter. Once you have your belongings organized, you’ll have a clearer picture of what your new home will look like. Then, entrusting your belongings to a reputable moving company like U-Pack will be easier.

1. Emotional Ties Can Make Decluttering Difficult

It is common to keep items as remembrances of loved ones and important life events. Tying memories to these things makes it more challenging to part with them. It’s best to keep in mind that many of these mementos just add clutter to your home. 

However, downsizing does not mean you should get rid of items that only have sentimental value. You can keep some important things you can share with your children and grandchildren. Photographs, for instance, make for great souvenirs. You can even digitize photos so they last longer.

Remember, having fewer objects to store and move will help you save space and money.

2. Space and Size are Important

Downsizing means having to adapt to a smaller living space. In most cases, this means being flexible with the use of the house’s space. For instance, you may need a desk at home for your remote work setup. The kitchen and the dining room could be good office spaces. 

Furniture from your bigger home is also something to consider. You may need to donate or sell your old furniture and buy smaller pieces for your new home. Having smaller furniture will make your new home feel less crowded. It will also give more balance to the smaller space. Another benefit of getting rid of bulky furniture is that it makes loading your belongings into moving trucks quicker, easier, and less expensive.

Personal space is also a consideration when downsizing. Your bigger home probably gave you more personal space from other members of your household. A smaller home may not provide this convenience and may mean less privacy.

3. Finances Matter

Selling your large furniture and appliances will give you more funds for your move to a tiny home. You’ll have the money you need for getting more compact furniture and hiring reputable moving company.

It’s also worthwhile to consider that downsizing gives you a chance to save some money. A bigger home often entails spending more on utilities, maintenance, and repairs. Deciding to move into a smaller home will mean fewer expenses.

4. Proximity with Neighbors

Your bigger home probably allowed you to have a wider space between your property and the next one. You were able to enter and leave your home without the neighbors hearing or seeing you. You had more privacy.

In many cases, downsizing means moving to an apartment or a condo. This significantly cuts down the distance between your home and your neighbors’ space. This means you may hear your neighbors and vice versa. This is an important consideration if your family values privacy.

5. Storage Is Vital

During the decluttering process, you’ll find that there could still be some things you cannot let go of by the time you settle into your new house. Where will you store these items once you move? Many trusted moving companies can bring these items to a storage unit.

However, if you don’t own a storage unit, you could also get creative with the storage options at your new home. Open shelves, hooks, and over-the-door storage are great options for storing a wide variety of items. You could get furniture with hidden storage spaces, like sofas with under-seat storage. 

Moving Companies Can Help You Downsize

Downsizing to a tiny home takes courage, especially if you have always lived in a large living space. But think of the advantage you will get once you start your life in your new home. For one, you could save a significant amount of money on home repairs and utilities. You also spend less time cleaning, which ultimately results in less stress.

Before you enjoy these benefits, though, you have to deal with the difficulties of decluttering and moving. A trusted moving company like U-Pack can help make the process less stressful.

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