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8 Useful Tips for Designing Compact Outdoor Spaces

Updated on:
September 16, 2024
Tips for Designing Compact Outdoor Spaces

Image Source: Canva

Not everybody is blessed with a big backyard. Those with smaller spaces often have to get creative to transform their gardens into places for them to relax and feel comfortable. Designing one’s yard is not an easy task, however. The average person’s knowledge of exterior design is minimal, to say the least. Most people don’t even know how to decorate the insides of their houses, let alone their yards! This post’s intention is to shed some light on designing compact outdoor spaces, so you can get more out of your backyard. Read on to find out more.

1. Choose the Right Furniture

The very first thing to think about is furniture. Every yard needs furniture. Some need more, and some need less. Choosing the right furniture can be a difficult undertaking, however. If the space you are working with is not that large, then multi-functional furniture is worth looking into. The reason multi-functional items are a good investment when you are choosing furniture for small spaces is that they allow you to maximize space. For example, you could buy storage benches. These benches double as seats, giving guests somewhere to relax in your yard whilst simultaneously storing their bags or other belongings. There are many other types of multi-functional furniture that you can use, so do your research.

2. Consider Vertical Design

When it comes to designing small yards, vertical design is always worth exploring. Vertical design allows you to go heavy on the decorations without compromising your yard’s space and limiting the amount of moving around you are able to do. If you want your garden to look more natural, you could consider ivy. Ivy is an invasive plant, but if controlled, it can look very attractive. The good thing about ivy is that it climbs, but does not have large branches or flowers, meaning it can enhance your garden’s appearance, without consuming space. There are other climbing plants you can buy, such as wisteria and some varieties of rose. The main thing to ensure when using climbing plants is that you carefully maintain them. If you allow certain plants to grow unchecked, they could damage your home’s structure and consume your yard.

3. Create Activity Zones

Dividing your garden into activity zones can be another way to enhance its design. By ‘activity zones,’ this post means areas used for specific activities, i.e., a zone for sitting, a zone for cooking, a zone for standing, and a zone for gardening. Dividing your yard into activity zones will make your garden feel a lot less cluttered and make organizing it much easier. Make sure that you don’t overdo activity zones if your yard is really small because then you might make it feel a lot smaller than it actually is. Minimalism is a good design strategy to adopt if your yard is very small.

4. Use Light Colours

A very effective way of making your garden feel larger than it is (and creating a welcoming space), is to use light colors in its design. It is a fact that lighter colors open spaces up. Use lightly colored furniture and paint if your garden is a courtyard. You can also plant flowers that are pink and white. Don’t overdo it with the flowers if your yard is very small, however. Too many flowers can make your garden feel unwelcoming and wild. With that said, some people like that sort of design, so if wildness appeals to you, go crazy with flowers and other plants.

Image Source: Canva

5. Strategically Use Mirrors

The strategic use of mirrors can also open your garden up, although this strategy is best applied to courtyards. Putting mirrors up around an actual garden, as in one that’s not flanked on all sides by walls, can look very strange. If you are going to put mirrors in a traditional garden, make sure you only put in one or two. Keep them close to your house. The reason mirrors make spaces look larger than they are is because they reflect light and create depth, which can make gardens look a lot more open and inviting.

6. Incorporate Compact Plants

If you are designing a small garden, you should avoid large plants. Instead, opt for ones that have a small growth size, and do not have foliage that’s too dense. Additionally, you should avoid plants that spread out. It’s much better to purchase ones that grow vertically, as they won’t take up space. Cactus is a good type of plant if you do not have a lot of room but want to add character to your yard. You could also plant herbs like thyme, rosemary, and basil. A small herb garden can add a lot of charm to your backyard.

7. Keep Your Design Simple

Whatever you do, try to keep your yard design as simple as possible. If your main goal is to open up your garden and make it feel larger than it is, the last thing you want is to overload it with plants and furniture. If you are not confident in designing your garden yourself, you could outsource the job to a professional landscaper. A landscaper will be able to work with you on your garden, no matter how big it is. Landscapers are widely available and don’t charge too much for their services, so you should not have a hard time finding one that’s right for you.

8. Build Seats Into Planters

Finally, consider building seats into things like planters and storage boxes. Building seats into planters and storage boxes allows you to maximize space. Maximizing space is a key component of minimalist design, which is one of the most popular trends in modern garden design. There are many different guides you can use online that will help you to incorporate minimalist design into your yard. You can also enlist the support of a landscaper, as suggested in the previous section.

Designing a compact outdoor space can be a challenge. However, just because it’s difficult does not for a second mean it’s impossible. The guidance given here should hopefully give you more direction and help you to figure out how to effectively design your backyard.

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