You and Your Neighbor Share a Fence. Does Your Homeowner’s Insurance Cover It?

A house with a fence can be a necessary addition to purchasing a property, as it can provide you with privacy and protection. However, there are instances when you and your neighbor may have to share a fence. Does your homeowner insurance cover the fence if it becomes damaged or wrecked? Perhaps it’s deteriorating, and you want to fix or replace it? Who covers it if you share the fence? When does insurance not cover it? We will offer some answers to any questions you may have and help you decide what action to take:
Is It Covered?
Sharing a fence can have its headaches, but knowing who’s responsible for damages and what’s covered is important.
Property Line
Understanding whether or not your fence is on your side of the property or the shared property line will determine who is responsible for it. The cost of the fence should be shared between your neighbor and yourself if placed on the shared property line. However, if the fence is on your side of the property, then you will be the one to take care of it. In cases where the fence is shared and is placed on your side, you may always ask your neighbor if they are willing to contribute toward damages or re-building the fence altogether.
In order to receive coverage, many policies will require there to be accidental, sudden, or unexpected damage to your property. Opt for a policy that will cover your house and any detached structures around it, such as your fence. This will assist in covering any repairs or replacements that might be needed. One thing to consider is any damage to your fence that’s due to aging. Issues such as rot, rust damage, corrosion, or simple wear and tear are usually not covered.
Since insurance coverage varies, review your policy. To determine the accurate cost of repairing, ask for fence repair quotes from an expert. Not only will it give you an estimation of the potential cost, but also align it with your insurance coverage.
There are specific damages that have to be considered when it comes down to whether your coverage will be effective. Some of these situations may include:
- Fire damage. Fire can be unpredictable and spread fast, sometimes to places beyond your home, such as your fence.
- Lightning. In some situations, weather can be so severe that lightning may strike your property and add some irreparable damages.
- Windstorm or hail. There have been cases where the wind has been so dangerous that it has blown down or destroyed fencing.
- Vandalism. Now and then, you may run into some vandalism on your property, especially if your fence faces a busy street or area.
Circumstantial Damages
There can be a few other scenarios in which your fence can be damaged, such as from falling objects. Damage from fallen objects is typically covered, but that will depend on the specific circumstances of the situation.
Fallen Trees
Trees can play a pivotal role in demolishing your fence due to weather conditions or the overall stability of the tree. Fallen trees are often covered by your insurance, but it all depends on where the tree originated and the reason for its falling. For example, if the tree was on your property when it fell onto your fence, it would have to be because of environmental situations, like wind, fire, lightning, snowstorm, etc.
However, if the tree had fallen over due to rot and general aging, then your homeowner’s insurance may not cover it. Insurance coverage can be excluded from factors such as maintenance or aging. In a case where a rotted or dying tree is involved, your insurance won’t cover any fence damages from it because it would’ve been deemed a preventable accident. Keep up with the overall maintenance and health of any trees on your property, as they can pose a serious safety hazard to you and your family.
If the tree is on the neighboring property and it has fallen over due to weather conditions, their insurance should take care of it. If the tree fell over due to neglect, or the neighbor was cutting it down, and it damaged your fence, you could look into filing a claim against them. As we mentioned before, these scenarios will have to depend on the circumstances leading up to them.
Car Crash
If a car hits your fence, your insurance will typically cover it. However, you may want to look into filing a claim with the driver’s car insurance instead. Since it was their fault, they may pay for the damages through their car insurance.
When Does Homeowners Insurance Not Cover Fences?
As we mentioned, there are some cases in which your insurance won’t cover specific damages to your fence. You may not be able to file a homeowners insurance claim for fence repairs due to the following:
- Mold damages. Stay on top of maintaining the integrity of your fence. Mold issues are something that can be prevented.
- Wood rot. Another issue that can be avoided by regularly maintaining the fence.
- Termite and pest infestations. You can typically spot the beginning of an infestation. Take the recommended precautions to rid the wood of the pests before they destroy its integrity.
- Wear and tear. This can come naturally with time, but you can avoid it by simply keeping the fence in good shape.
- Neglecting your fence and letting it fall apart will not get you the insurance coverage needed.
What To Do Before Filing a Claim
- Take pictures of the fence damage before cleaning it up, as it is important to have photographic evidence for your insurer.
- Get an estimate from a contractor on the damage done to your fence. This way, you will be able to determine the significance of the cost and whether or not you are better off taking care of it yourself.
- If it makes financial sense to place a claim, ensure that your insurance coverage can take care of damages.
Be aware of what your home insurance entails, as it can help you in cases where fence damage is prominent. If your fence is in serious need of work, there are many services ready to assist you. Look into local residential fencing in Winnipeg, where help can be found for any needs regarding your fence. Don’t deal with the stress of fencing on your own; let experts erect a new and improved fence today.