How to Assemble a Boxabl Home: Step-by-Step Guide

Tiny homes are becoming increasingly popular. As more individuals renounce the concept of paying for a standard house for the rest of their lives, Boxabl comes with a unique solution for making homeownership affordable and available.
Their mission is to tackle global housing problems by mass-producing high-quality homes, which makes them, if you think about it, the Henry Ford of home construction.
When you are planning to buy a new home, one of the most vital decisions you will make is choosing the construction plan and contractor. Until now, this has been a frustrating ordeal.
However, with Boxabl home assembly technology, new homes can be unpacked on-site in a few hours. The homes come with the essential utilities and amenities, so you don’t have to worry about additional setup costs.
Have you been thinking of investing in a Boxabl and want to know how to assemble it correctly? Read on as we show you the step-by-step process for setting up your home the right way.
We will also answer the many questions you may want to know, such as whether you can install the home yourself, whether you need a license, if it can be moved, and more.
Let’s begin!
Step one: Prepare your site
Prepare the location where you plan to install your home. Ensure that it is leveled and adequately prepared. Your preparation should include essential utilities like electricity, plumbing, and, depending on your plan, a foundation.
Step two: Delivery and unloading
Now that your site is prepared and ready to receive the Boxabl unit, the next step is to coordinate with the delivery team and ensure that you have a suitable area for unloading.
Step three: Install your foundation
If you are planning for a more permanent stay on your site, then installing a foundation is required for the home. Preparing the foundation may include a concrete slab or piers.
Ensure the foundation is prepared and cured before the unit arrives. Next, follow Boxabl instructions for securing the house to the foundation or site to ensure it is stable and secure.
For your information, a Boxabl unit does not necessarily need a foundation. You can just unfold it on the grass, parking lot, backyard, or anywhere suitable. This should sound good to hear for those with a more temporary location plan in mind.
For more on this, read: Does Boxabl Need a Foundation? (Explained!)
Step four: Position your unit
With the help of a crane or other suitable equipment, carefully position the Boxabl unit on the prepared foundation or site.
Step five: Connect your utilities
The home comes fully furnished with a kitchen, bathroom, plumbing, HVAC, electricity, windows, flooring, energy-saving appliances, and more. Simply make the necessary connections to the main utility lines or sources.
You may also like: Do Boxabl Homes Come Furnished?
Step six: Landscaping and final touches
Complete landscaping and any additional exterior work to add a personal touch and make the Boxabl unit integrate seamlessly into your surroundings. If you live in an area with a heavy snow load, your installer can request plans for a pitched roof.
Step seven: Furnishing and moving in

Since the home comes fully furnished, once the unit is fully assembled and ready, all that is left is a couch and bed. Simply bring them in, and you are all set to start living in your home.
You may also like: How Much Does a Boxabl House Cost?
How long will it take to assemble a Boxabl home?

A Boxabl home can easily be assembled within 48 to 60 minutes by a Boxabl-certified and state-licensed installer. Once you book a unit, Boxabl will connect you to a professional local installer.
After the fabrication of your Boxabl Casita, the unit folds down from 20 feet to 8.5 feet wide. This has been well thought through so your home can be transported to your location without additional fees by train, truck, sea, or air.
Can a Boxabl home be moved?

Boxabl structures are designed and constructed to be permanent, which is a reason why financial partners are open to financing them. However, depending on how you did your installation, it can be moved if you desire to change location.
But before then, check whether Boxabl homes are legal in the state or area you are interested in.
So, if you’ve found your dream homestead or want to move to a new location for work or closeness to family, the following highlights the steps to take to move your Boxabl house to another site.
1. Prepare the new location
Get the new site ready for your home arrival. Choose a foundation option and follow local codes and regulations for installing your structural site.
2. Prepare your building
Before your home is moved, remove any breakable or heavy items like your chairs and bed that were not part of the infrastructure that came with the home.
Also, take all loose items off the exterior walls. Moving insurance will cover your items if damage occurs.
3. Unhook utilities
Remove all utilities that were connected during the initial installation. It’s best to hire an expert to remove gas and electrical connections safely and correctly. Ideally, a certified Boxabl installer should handle this step.
4. Fold down the home
Next is to deconstruct the home from 20 feet to 8.5 feet wide for easy transport to your new location.
5. Find the right moving company
Hire a professional, reputable, and qualified moving company. Choose a company with the proper license and insurance for transport, preferably with utility unhooking services, for an easier transition.
6. Get an estimate
Check with your moving company for an estimate. Consider factors that can affect the cost, including the type of foundation, new site distance, local and state permits, and the weight of the home.
7. Book a date and move your home to the new site
By now, the new site should be ready to receive your home. After confirming the estimate to be within your budget, book a date for moving. Working with a Boxabl-certified installer, your home can be reinstalled on-site in an hour or less.
For more on this, read: Can Boxabl Homes Be Moved? (Complete Guide).
FAQs about Boxabl homes
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about Boxabl homes:
Do I need land to install a Boxabl home?
Yes! You need land to install your tiny Boxabl house.
Can I Install a Boxabl home myself?
While it might be possible to DIY the installation, it is best to use a recommended Boxabl-certified installer in your location.
Do I need a license to install a Boxabl home on my property?
Yes, you probably will. Please check out for more details.
Can my Boxabl home be off-grid?
Yes, you can set up your Boxabl home for off-grid living and begin your minimalist lifestyle. It can be connected to regular utilities, including plumbing, HVAC, and solar panels.
Can I join multiple Boxabl homes together?
Are Boxabl homes stackable? This is a popular question many intending Boxabl homeowners want answers to.
Boxabls can be stacked on top of one another or next to each other. For instance, you can assemble six Casitas and build a 2,250-square-foot home in twenty-four hours.
Furthermore, stacking your Boxabl home on top of each other or next to each other also lends you additional living space, such as a dedicated dining area and extra bedrooms for kids, etc.
To learn more, read: Are Boxabl Homes Stackable?
Is a Boxabl unit insulated?
Yes! Boxabl units are well insulated. The design resembles that of an igloo cooler or refrigerator. Because the home has fantastic insulation, it performs well in extremely hot or cold conditions.
Takeaway: Assemble your Boxabl house in 7 simple steps!
One of the critical challenges of traditional construction is deciding on a construction plan and the contractor to hire. This can be a frustrating ordeal.
This is also beside the challenge of having to make mortgage payments for the next 30 years or having to wait almost a year or more to move into your fully furnished home.
With Boxabl, the reverse is the case, as established with this piece.
Boxabl offers you a fully furnished home, and it takes only a few hours to set up and assemble. The seven-step assembly process described can be achieved in an hour or less.
Once fully set up, all you need is a couch and bed, and your home is ready to be lived in.
If you are looking to set up a Boxabl guest house like Elon Musk or become a homeowner but are unsure of your current location for permanent residency, you dont have to worry.
Boxabl, although built for permanent installation, can be installed temporarily and then easily deconstructed and moved to your more permanent choice location.
Are you looking to downsize and are considering this innovative housing solution?
Read: 5 Things Everybody Should Know About Boxabl Homes (and Some Extras).